Award-winning, high performing air purifiers with timeless Scandinavian design
Asthma Allergy Nordic Recommended

Good Design Award 2021
iF Design Award 2021

Red Dot Award: Product Design

We do what others can't - thanks to our unique HEPASilent™ technology and smart design.
Only Blueair air purifiers use HEPASilent™ technology, delivering maximum filtration with minimum noise. This dual filtration technology pioneered by Blueair combines electrostatic charging of particles and mechanical filtration along with a unique filter designed to produce more² clean air, cleaning your air much faster and more quietly³ than traditional HEPA filtration alone.

Blueair fights for children’s right to clean air

¹Based on a UK Health Professional Academy survey of 1,378 UK Child Health Professionals Apr-Sept 2020.
²Based on testing of particle CADR (GB/T18801-2015, particle size >0.3µm) in a HEPASilentTM /HEPASilent Ultra™ unit at the same fan speed, compared to using H13 true HEPA filtration in the same unit.
³At similar CADRs Blueair models achieved less noise with less energy than same models with only H13.
⁴When similar CADR was measured, Blueair models with mechanical and electrostatic filtration achieved less noise with less energy than same models with only H13 HEPA mechanical filtration.Noise refers to the dB(A) difference in acoustic power.