In the highly competitive hospitality industry, wellness is a trend that is growing in importance. Hotel air quality management is an area that can provide great value to customers and be a competitive advantage, so it’s no surprise that hotel air purifiers are increasingly common.
Some hotels already offer “allergy” hotel rooms. Such anti-allergy measures are usually limited to removing carpets and using hypo-allergenic bedding, but a key factor for many asthma and allergy sufferers, is high overall air quality. This can be an even bigger factor in older buildings, where mold in the hotel air conditioner affects air quality.
Premium hotels equip their rooms with high quality beds that are promoted with trademarked names and promise a great night’s rest. Breathing clean, fresh air, though, helps everyone sleep deeper and awake more refreshed, and the awareness about this is rising among hotel guests and management.
So how to improve hotel indoor air quality? With hotels emphasizing wellness and a good night’s sleep, the age of the hotel room air purifier has arrived.
One of the best air purifiers for hotels is the Blueair Pro family. These air purifiers deliver unmatched performance with advanced, v-shaped filters and HEPASilent™ technology, which combines electrostatic and mechanical filtration technologies. This combination delivers high Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) with whisper-silent operation to keep guests happily in slumber. In fact, Pro works so quietly on its lowest setting that guests might have to check to make sure it’s switched on.
Blueair air purifiers are also among the most energy efficient on the market for their capacity, using less electricity than a typical lightbulb. That’s a key consideration when equipping dozens (or hundreds) of rooms. And with hotel room floor space often at a premium, some hotels choose the optional wall mount.
When it comes to filters, the Particle Filter is the optimal choice for removing particle pollutants such as bacteria, viruses, pet dander, dust and pollen. Or use a SmokeStop™ filter with activated carbon to also get rid of gaseous pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as formaldehyde), tobacco smoke and particles.
Three models are available for use in rooms ranging from 36 to 110 m². To simplify purchasing, storage and maintenance, Blueair Pro filters fit all three models, making pro a smart choice when you need different sized air purifiers for different rooms. Also, HEPASilent™ technology can achieve a 99.7% filtration efficiency of airborne particles down to 0.1 micron in size* while using a less dense filter that often lasts six months.
*Tested on particles down to 0.1 micron according to EN1822.
Blueair air purifiers are simple to use and have something special: We are the only major air purifier brand to verify 100% of our models for performance for Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR).