
Blueair 歐洲、中東和非洲地區總監 Alexander Provins 發言
他繼續表示道:「在海灣阿拉伯國家合作委員會 (GCC) 地區,由於炎熱多沙的氣候,尤其在酷熱難耐的夏季,普通人大部分時間都待在空調房內。因此,室內粉塵濃度很高,未經過濾的空氣始終威脅著人們的健康。根據報告顯示,室內空氣汙染物濃度可能是室外的 2 到 5 倍,這一統計數字令許多人感到擔憂。正如一句古老的諺語所說,「健康就是財富」,正因如此,我們要提高人們對健康問題的重視,讓人們意識到空氣不潔的影響和威脅。」
「我們為大家帶來了福音,這一問題可以有效解決,安裝空氣清淨機便是其中一種方法,它可以徹底改變我們呼吸的空氣品質,從而改善我們的整體健康。在 Blueair,我們致力於創造能夠改善人們健康福祉的環境,這也是我們產品設計的宗旨。
我們最近推出了最新款空氣清淨機 DustMagnet™,其獨創性的設計可在粉塵落到地板和任何表面上之前,將其一舉捕獲。DustMagnet™ 採用 Blueair 最先進的技術,輸送的潔淨空氣量顯著增加,其精美雅致的外觀設計洋溢著斯堪的納維亞風情,與任何其他傢俱一樣,為您的居家環境錦上添花。
由於 DustMagnet™ 採用了 Blueair 獨有的 HEPASilent™ 過濾技術,因此,除粉塵外,還可有效去除細菌和病毒,以及空氣中 99.97% 粒徑小於 0.1 微米的微粒,比如空氣中的過敏原、花粉、黴菌、寵物皮屑及塑膠微粒。DustMagnet™ 濾網中含有的活性碳還可去除家中惱人的異味和煙霧。
Faster cleaning. Blueair air purifiers are specially designed to quickly remove airborne particles that can compromise indoor air quality down to 0.1 microns in size. To make sure your air purifier is working as quickly as it’s designed to, replace the filter as soon as it’s full or when indicated by your device.
High CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate). A Blueair air purifier with a genuine filter provides a uniquely high clean air delivery rate (CADR*). Replacing dirty filters promptly ensures your Blueair air purifier performs at its maximum, delivering more clean air faster and removing at least 99.97% of airborne particles down to 0.1 microns.
Minimum noise. A Blueair air purifier boasts a unique filter design that rewards with distinctly low air resistance and a high volume of clean air delivered. With a clean air filter it generates minimal noise disturbance, in fact, it works so quietly that you will barely notice it’s even working.
Low energy consumption. When operating with a new filter, the air purifier’s fan can work efficiently as intended, consuming minimal energy. In fact, a Blueair air purifier working at its optimal setting consumes less energy than a lightbulb. However, once the filter is full, the fan will need to spin faster to pass air through it, resulting in more energy consumption.
Using an air purifier is a healthier way to breathe. And, as Blueair’s founder realized, when air is truly clean, it can do so much more than simply prevent disease. Clean air improves sleep, energizes both your body and mind, makes it easier for you to focus and even boosts your creativity.
*Tested on particles down to 0.1 micron according to EN1822.
Your Blueair air purifier will notify you when it’s time to change filters, either by the light glowing red or via your app. Depending on the model and personal use, most filters usually fill up after 6 months of daily use, while others can last up to a year. Whatever the filter’s life span, it’s crucial to replace the filter once it’s full of dirt and pollutants. This ensures your air purifier can work as intended, keeping your air clean and airborne pollutants out of your lungs.