March 11, 2021
In the highly competitive hospitality industry, wellness is a trend that is growing in importance. Hotel air quality management is an area that can provide great value to customers and be a competitive advantage, so it’s no surprise that hotel air purifiers are increasingly common.
In a YouGov survey commissioned by Blueair, it was found that there is consumer demand for clean air hotels, with 54% of Brits considering air quality to be important when choosing a hotel.
Page8 is one of London’s first hotels to protect guests from air pollution by placing air purifiers from Blueair in all 138 rooms.
¨We want to make sure that when our guests come into the room, they have a moment to rest, relax, have a sense of peace and know that they’re in a healthy environment so they can have a very restful sleep¨.
- Kenji Bourquin-Quéva, Hotel Operations Manager
Another great reason why they chose Blueair was because it was not only one of the best products but also that the air purifiers had a very silent operating system that allowed their guests to breathe clean air and sleep peacefully.
He continued, ¨We had a guest that said he suffers from asthma and usually sleeps really badly in hotels and this was one of the only hotels he’s ever slept in where he managed to keep the windows closed and had a quiet and very restful sleep. He said he woke up fully revitalized and he did mention that it must be because of the Blueair air purifier. If anything that is a true testament of Blueair’s capacity.¨
Testing air quality
Experts from the Swedish brand Blueair tested the difference in air quality before and after using an air purifier in the rooms of Page8 Hotel. Thanks to the efficiency of Blueair’s unique HepaSilent™ filtration technology, airborne particles were reduced by 96 % after using an air purifier for only one hour, making the air in the hotel rooms as pure as the Swedish Archipelago.
Today, our award-winning air purifiers create the safest environment for you and your family. Clean air has many benefits; it helps to improve respiratory issues, boosts productivity and even helps with your skin. Since we spend around a third of our day sleeping, we think our compact and quiet air purifiers are the perfect bedroom accessory.
Blueair air purifiers are simple to use and have something special: We are the only major air purifier brand to verify 100% of our models for performance for Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR).